
If during the intake process an inmate identifies as transgender or intersex the Transgender Review
Committee (TRC) will determine the housing assignments. The facility housing manager shall ensure
the TRC is developed within three (3) working days from the inmate’s arrival and/or identification as
transgender or intersex. The TRC is a committee comprised of the mental health director, the regional
physician, the central office housing and classification manager, the facility chief of security or higher,
the facility PREA compliance manager, the central office PREA coordinator, and facility housing
manager, which provides a more specialized evaluation regarding inmates who identify as transgender
or intersex. If at any time an inmate identifies as transgender or intersex, any requests for changes in
housing status, or special accommodations shall be considered and determined by the TRC.


The policy defines gender dysphoria as the formal diagnosis used by psychologists and physicians
to describe persons who experience significant discontent with their sex and/or their gender roles
associated with that sex as defined by the current DSM, but does not specify who makes the


Any specialized medical treatment shall be considered on a case-by-case basis. Any specialized medical treatment provided to inmates identified as transgender, or intersex, or who have been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, shall be determined medically necessary by the contracted medical provider.

Requirements for Transfer to Women’s Facility

In deciding whether to assign a transgender or intersex inmate to a facility for male or female inmates, and in making other housing and programming assignments, the agency shall consider on a case-by-case basis whether a placement would ensure the inmate’s health and safety, and whether placement would present management or security problems. The TRC shall review all of the inmate’s records; this includes the inmate’s PSI, records received from the county jail the inmate was housed at, necessary medical and mental health records and assessments, and any other pertinent records to assist in determining housing. An interview with the inmate to include asking the inmate on his or her own opinion of his or her vulnerability in male or female units. If the TRC deems it necessary the inmate may be recommended for an individual session with a psychologist/psychiatrist to assist in determining appropriate housing.

Limits based on type of crime committed?

None mentioned.

Re-Evaluation required?

Placement and programming assignments for each transgender or intersex
inmate shall be assessed at least twice a year by the TRC to review any
threats to safety experienced by the inmate.

Pronoun requirements?


Merging of “transgender” and intersex categories?
