Click here and choose a monthly gift to enroll now!

If we can be heard, we will win.

Kara Dansky

Ready to defend the sex-based rights of women and girls? Our recurring donors say, “Yes, We’re IN!” 

Your monthly WIN gift in any amount helps to underwrite all of WDI USA’s work, from public events to political persuasion; from legal advocacy to legislative testimony. By giving each month, you also help us to plan for future efforts in the knowledge that we can rely on a broad, steady base of support while minimizing our fundraising costs.

In appreciation for WIN donors’ dedication, we are delighted to offer the following benefits:

LevelMonthly GiftBenefits
Advantage$5Quarterly e-newsletter and Advance notice of events
Gain$10All the benefits of the Advantage level, plus: Welcome gift of WDI USA sticker assortment
Achievement$25All the benefits of the Gain level, plus: Welcome gift of WDI USA pen
Advance$50All the benefits of the Achievement level, plus: Welcome gift of WDI USA tote bag
Success$100All the benefits of the Advance level, plus: Welcome gift of WDI USA journal and optional recognition in the Annual Report
Victory$500All the benefits of the Success level, plus: Welcome gift of WDI USA stainless steel water bottle
Triumph$1,000All the benefits of the Victory level, plus: Welcome gift of WDI USA t-shirt and Exclusive invitation to a virtual meeting with members of the Board

We look forward to welcoming you to WIN! 

A few further details:

Your support through WIN makes our operations easier. We want giving to be easy for you, too. When you sign up, you’ll have the option to create a personal account. Through it, you can log in to update your contact details and payment information as well as change or cancel your recurring gift at any time. 

Questions? Email [email protected]

WDI USA, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation, has notified the IRS of its intent to operate as a 501(c)(4) organization. Contributions are not tax-deductible.