Millions of children across the United States are being taught the regressive ideology that everyone has a “gender identity.” This ideological curriculum starts in the earliest school years, and is appearing in red and blue states, big city and small town schools. Children are inundated by gender identity ideology from all sides, over and over again, as though “gender identity” were real, and as though it is more important than the material reality of biological sex.
Women’s Declaration International USA’s FOIA Team has acquired an archive of materials from an array of American schools that provide a chilling glimpse into what is being taught to young impressionable minds. It includes materials collected through the efforts of numerous individuals including WDI USA volunteers who filed Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests with local school districts, as well as materials obtained through other research.
File your own school FOIA request to find out what’s being taught in your local school district! Check out our guide here.