Looking for ways to get involved with WDI USA? We need your help to win this fight! There are a number of actions you can take right now to make a difference, make your voice heard, and stand up for women’s rights. We offer some suggestions below, including webinars and events. You can also volunteer directly with us.
WDI USA 2024 National Convention
This year, we will reconvene to amplify the Women’s Liberation Movement! Join us from September 20-22 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Be a WIN Donor!
Your monthly WIN gift in any amount helps to underwrite all of WDI USA’s work, from public events to political persuasion; from legal advocacy to legislative testimony. By giving each month, you also help us to plan for future efforts in the knowledge that we can rely on a broad, steady base of support while minimizing our fundraising costs.
Tell us about important legislation in your state
2024 is going to be the year for legislation that protects the sex-based rights of women and girls. Countless bills are going to be introduced throughout the country that attempt to either preserve or diminish those rights, and WDI USA intends to stay informed and active about every one of them.

WDI Weekly Webinars
Women’s Declaration International (WDI)’s weekly online webinars are attended by a global feminist and activist audience of between 300-400.
You can see recordings of previous panels on the YouTube Channel, or listen to them on our Anchor.fm podcast.
Lesbian Caucus
The aim of the Lesbian Caucus is to address public issues involving lesbians as they are occurring today, with reference to the Declaration and also to the LBOR.

Black Women’s Caucus Statement
We, the members of the Black Women’s Caucus of Women’s Declaration International USA, believe that it is crucial for Black Women to denounce gender identity ideology. This ideology promotes the idea that sex is nothing more than a social construct and that an individual can choose to *be* a man or a woman regardless of her or his sex.
Take Action!
Tell your senators, representatives, and state legislators to support women’s rights! Click the link below to find our current advocacy campaigns where you can send them messages about current legislation with the click of a button.

Find a link to the WDI USA Volunteer application form at the button below.
State Contact Map
Find your state contact and get involved on the state level. Or, email us to become a volunteer to lead a group in your own state.

To read the Declaration in full and become a signatory click here.