Looking to get involved or start a grassroots action of your own? Below, you can find grassroots campaigning materials like brochures, handouts, postcards, stickers, and letter templates.
(Many per page. These stickers are designed to be printed on Avery labels. The numbers in the file names refer to the different sizes available).
Female-only spaces black and white
Feminist porn is an oxymoron
Don’t disappear the L
Porn is rape on tape
Radical feminism is back
Refuse to date men who use porn
Lesbians arise
Suffragette sticker
Terf is the new heretic
Woman/man analogy
Women have vaginas
You don’t need to be pretty
Woman: adult human female
Women are people
Woman is not a costume
Women are female, deal with it
Contact Your Representatives Using These Sample scripts:
Sample Email for Democratic Senators
Oppose the Equality Act as written
Sample Email for Republican Senators
Oppose the Equality Act as written