
A Mental Health Clinician will complete a full mental health appraisal on each inmate within 14 calendar days of admission. A Mental Health Clinician will interview each newly received inmate on psychotropic medication within one working day of admission. The Mental Health Clinician will assign the appropriate Mental Health Classification Code.


Does not specifically mention Gender Dysphoria Diagnosis or Treatment but see previous answer.


Does not specifically address medical transition treatment methods for so-called Trans inmates

Requirements for Transfer to Women’s Facility

Does not specifically address the housing and bed assignments for so-called Trans inmates, but states this in the policy: Staff will review the Classification Assessment questions with the inmate to ensure that the inmate’s housing and bed assignment is appropriate. When the inmate’s responses indicate these assignments may not be appropriate, staff must consult with the staff member responsible for inmate housing and bed assignments to determine if a new assignment is warranted.

Limits based on type of crime committed?

Does not specifically address this question regarding Trans inmates

Re-Evaluation required?

There are multiple layers and process for re-evaluation of the placement of inmates into housing, and multiple processes for continuous evaluation of inmates who may pose a high risk for assaultive or sexually assaultive behaviors towards other inmates.

Pronoun requirements?

Does not specifically address this issue.

Merging of “transgender” and intersex categories?

Does not specifically address either so-called Trans or Intersex inmates.