A group of doctors, detransitioners, organizations, and concerned parents have filed a citizen petition with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), urging it to take urgent action to address the off-label use of puberty blockers in children.
WDI USA is encouraging Declaration signatories to bolster this petition by submitting supportive comments.
You can submit your comment on its own, or include PDF attachments.
To comment, go to this site and click “Comment” (a blue button toward the left of the menu bar). We suggest this language for your comment (but feel free to make it personal):
The FDA must not turn its back on the potential harm to children from continued use of puberty blockers, which have known risks and unproven benefits. Please fulfill your public health mission by commissioning a comprehensive analysis of existing studies concerning this use, by seeking new, long-term studies of this use, by promoting awareness of the state of evidence concerning this use and that this use is off-label, and by alerting manufacturers and health care providers that because this use is unapproved, it is unlawful to promote this use—directly or indirectly. These actions are needed to understand the long-term risks and outcomes, to promote public awareness that this use has not been shown to be safe or effective, and to prevent further harm to children. Taking these actions is consistent with Article 9 of the Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights, which reaffirms the need for the protection of the rights of the child. You can read the entire Declaration here: https://www.womensdeclaration.com/en/.
For “What is your comment about?” We suggest selecting “Drug industry.”
The system will ask for your email address, whether you are an individual or an organization, and whether you want your comment to be posted anonymously.
If you want to take your advocacy a step further, you can upload attachments. We suggest uploading a brief summary of Article 9, which you can find here, and/or WDI USA’s friend of the court brief in the case of L.W. v. Skrmetti, which explains why children have an international human right to grow into adulthood and to be protected from the physical and psychological harms that result from blocking puberty and/or administering opposite-sex hormones. You can find the brief here.
Thank you for helping to get our radical feminist objections to “gender identity” before the FDA!