WDI USA has filed a friend of the court brief in a case called L.W. vs. Skrmetti. At issue is a Tennessee ban on the medicalization of children (often referred to by the euphemism “gender affirming care”). Thanks to WDI USA President Kara Dansky, who donated her time and legal expertise to write this brief on short notice!
From the brief:
“WDI USA is interested in this appeal first because, as an organization, we can hardly protect the sex-based rights of women and girls if sex is judicially redefined to mean an amorphous continuum of subjectively felt “genders” that may not be related to sex at all. Second, this case deals directly with the authority of a government entity, in this case the state of Tennessee, to protect children from the harms of what is colloquially referred to as “gender affirming care” (i.e., the use of hormones that cause irreversible damage to young peoples’ natural physical and psychological growth and development). Third, the linguistic destabilization caused by use of words like “transgender” and “cisgender” is producing massive confusion throughout society as well as in law, and ought to be avoided at all costs. In view of its work on these issues, WDI USA has a meaningful perspective to offer the Court.”
Women have fought for years to gain their rights only to see them subverted by the trans- ideology, mainly by men claiming to be women, taking advantage in sports, in women’s private spaces and in women’s prisons.
Thus, it is good to see a strong defense of women’s and gils’ rights .It is also important to protect children and young people from the harm of irreversible damage with puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and mutilating surgeries.
Thank you for your work on behalf of women and girls as well as of children.
At least thirty states have their own violence against women acts. Most include intimidation after the violence. Can they be ordered to put no unnecessary nudity signs in public areas of bathrooms? I believe you agree it intimidates. Barbara Brown
T.E.R.F.S. Truth unmasks fallacy and Evidence is it’s proof. Reality heeds no Fantasy while Facts uncloak all spoof.
Truth unmasks fallacy and Evidence is it’s proof. Reality heeds no fantasy while Facts uncloak all spoof. I forgot to add the all important S for Sanity!