WDI USA is pleased to announce the Desisted & Detransitioned Women’s Bill of Rights (DDBOR) to commemorate Detrans Awareness Day. The DDBOR is the latest project of the Desisted & Detransitioned Women’s Caucus, which advocates for women and girls who previously believed themselves to have a so-called “gender identity” and amplifies their stories in the hope that its efforts will contribute to the dismantling of “gender identity” ideology. In doing so, caucus members advance both the Declaration and the DDBOR.
The Desisted & Detransitioned Women’s Caucus welcomes additional WDI USA volunteers who are desisted or detransitioned women. If you would like to join, please contact [email protected]. If you are not currently a WDI USA volunteer, the application to become one can be found here.
The Desisted and Detransitioned Women’s Bill of Rights
The purpose of this document is to describe the rights, reality, and political potential of desisted and detransitioned women, consistent with radical feminist principles.
WHEREAS, detransitioned women are females of any age who, believing themselves to be “transgender,” altered their bodies through procedures including, but not limited to, any of the following: administration of GnRH agonists (colloquially known as “puberty blockers”); administration of testosterone; and surgeries such as double mastectomies, hysterectomies, and phalloplasties; and who now accept their biological reality as women;
WHEREAS, desisted women are females of any age who did not undergo medical procedures but likewise believed themselves to be “transgender” and now accept their biological reality as women;
WHEREAS, “transgender” is an incoherent notion that has no legitimate place in law or policy;
WHEREAS, desisted and detransitioned women attempted to flee girlhood or womanhood for any number of reasons but most commonly as a reaction to misogyny, homophobia, and trauma;
WHEREAS, detransitioned women have been subjected to medical experimentation;
WHEREAS, this medical experimentation frequently results in sterilization, making it a form of eugenics;
WHEREAS, desisted and detransitioned women who are lesbians have been the target of a form of conversion therapy that seeks to construct a closet out of their own bodies;
WHEREAS, girls and women have been targeted with the propaganda of “gender identity” ideology by innumerable public and private institutions;
WHEREAS, so-called “gender-affirming care” is a euphemism for the destruction of healthy organs in the service of a deeply misogynistic, regressive ideology;
WHEREAS, desisted and detransitioned women are frequently ignored, dismissed, or derided by their clinicians and the general public when attempting to tell their stories or seek redress for their injuries; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that there is no point at which a detransitioned woman ceases to be a woman, regardless of the ways in which her body has been altered, because there is no wrong way to be a woman;
RESOLVED, that desisted and detransitioned women belong in every women-only space and activity to which every other woman is entitled;
RESOLVED, that desisted and detransitioned women have the right to differentiate and separate from desisted and detransitioned men, who are first and foremost men;
RESOLVED, that desisted and detransitioned women have the right to form their own groups that address concerns specifically pertaining to them;
RESOLVED, that girls and women have the right, consistent with Article 1 of the Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights, to grow up free from the ideology of so-called “gender identity,” which is misogynistic and pseudoscientific;
RESOLVED, that so-called “gender-affirming care” is violence against women and shall be considered a form of female genital mutilation;
RESOLVED, that detransitioned women have the right to sue their healthcare providers and other associations for medical malpractice, among other remedies;
RESOLVED, that desisted and detransitioned women who received so-called “affirmation-only therapy,” which encouraged them toward the impossible goal of identifying out of their sex class, experienced brainwashing by the institution of psychiatry and have the right to sue their healthcare providers for medical malpractice, among other remedies;
RESOLVED, that desisted and detransitioned women have the right to tell their stories, which includes providing testimony in support of bills that seek to ban such practices, without fear of violence or recrimination, consistent with Articles 4 and 5 of the Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights;
RESOLVED, that detransitioned women have the right to seek healthcare that addresses any issues caused by puberty blockers, testosterone, and surgeries;
RESOLVED, that such remedial healthcare shall be covered by insurance;
RESOLVED, that detransitioned women have the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of permanent changes to their bodies in the realms of employment, housing, physical and mental healthcare, and public accommodations;
RESOLVED, that desisted and detransitioned women, like all women, have the right to be free from sex stereotypes in all forms and to present and express nonconformity to sex-based stereotypes without discrimination or other interference.
Elizabeth Chesak, Desisted and Detransitioned Women’s Caucus Coordinator
Céline Calame
Fernanda Lopez
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