
An offender who self-identifies as transgender during the intake process will be seen by a mental health clinician, intake psychiatric provider, health care provider, and a diagnostic programmer within three business days of the intake screening process.


If a diagnosis of gender dysphoria is made, a proposed individualized treatment plan will be developed which promotes the physical and behavioral stability of the offender


See Diagnosis

Requirements for Transfer to Women’s Facility

Once the Gender Dysphoria Treatment Committee has completed its review, a multidisciplinary staffing will be conducted within 3 business days of the offender’s arrival to determine whether a transgender offender will be assigned to a facility consistent with their self-identified gender or gender assigned at birth for final placement.

Limits based on type of crime committed?


Re-Evaluation required?

Every 6 months

Pronoun requirements?

Must be referred to by preferred pronoun

Merging of “transgender” and intersex categories?
