
All patients who self-identify themselves as Gender Dysphoric entering IDOC custody shall be evaluated to confirm diagnosis by the mental health team. Patients seeking treatment or accommodations for GD should be forwarded to psychology staff.


The institutional mental health provider shall evaluate the patients for GD, and determine whether the patient meets the clinical criteria for a provisional diagnosis of GD (DSM-5 302.6). This diagnosis shall be based, in part, upon a face-to-face or videoconference evaluation of the patient and a review of available medical and mental health history, as well as current medical record documentation. The mental health provider shall inform and review the case with the mental health team. The medical provider shall also make his/her own face-to-face assessment of the patient if indicated, once the provisional diagnosis of GD has been made.


Following a confirmed GD diagnosis, the patient’s mental health and medical care professionals shall prepare an Individualized Mental Health Care Plan, or review and revise an existing treatment plan, which incorporates the GD diagnosis, along with all other co-occurring mental health issues. The patient’s medical provider shall concurrently prepare a plan for GD-related medical care, which should be focused on providing medically necessary treatment. The medical provider shall assess the need for cross-hormonal therapy and determine an appropriate course of hormonal treatment. The DOC does not provide aesthetic or cosmetic surgical services. Any patient refusing to be evaluated by his/her medical provider and/or the GD consultant shall not receive cross-hormonal therapy.

Requirements for Transfer to Women’s Facility

In deciding whether to assign a transgender or intersex incarcerated individual to a facility for male or female incarcerated individuals, and in making other housing and programming assignments, IDOC shall consider on a case-by-case basis whether a placement would ensure the incarcerated individual’s health and safety, and whether the placement would present management or security problems. A transgender or intersex incarcerated individual’s own views with respect to his or her own safety shall be given serious consideration.

Limits based on type of crime committed?

Policy states IDOC shall use information from the Sexual Violence Propensity assessment conducted during intake to evaluate housing, bed, work, education, and program assignments with the goal of providing staff supervision for incarcerated individuals at high risk of being sexually victimized from those at high risk of being sexually abusive. Not specifically addressed in relation to transgender housing evaluations.

Re-Evaluation required?

Placement and programming assignments for each transgender or intersex incarcerated individual shall be reassessed at least twice each year to review any threats to safety experienced by the incarcerated individual. SVP assessment reviewed within 30 days of admission, annually at the incarcerated individual’s classification meeting, and when warranted due to a referral, request, incident, incident of sexual assault or sexual abuse, or receipt of additional information that bears on the incarcerated individual’s SVP code.

Pronoun requirements?

After diagnosis of GD, identify the patient’s preferred gender pronoun and preferred first name as part of the Mental Health Care Plan.

Merging of “transgender” and intersex categories?
