WDI USA has filed a friend of the court brief in a case called Westenbroek, et al. v. Kappa Kappa Gamma et al. At issue is the ability of women and girls to assemble outside the presence of men (specifically, in the context of a sorority whose bylaws mandate that any new member “shall be a woman”). In the few years since its launch in 2020, WDI USA has put the feminist critique of “gender identity” before the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Ninth, and Tenth Circuit Courts of Appeal of the U.S. judiciary.
From the brief:
“WDI USA is interested in this appeal first because although we agree that organizations (including feminist organizations) have a First Amendment right of association (as well as speech) to define their own organizing documents, that right has some limitations that the District Court erroneously found inapplicable. Second, as an organization, we can hardly protect the rights of women and girls, such as appellants in this matter, to associate exclusively with other women and girls, if membership in a women-only organization is open to “individuals who identify as women,” i.e., men. Relatedly, the linguistic destabilization caused by the uncritical use of words like “transgender” is producing massive confusion throughout society as well as in law, and ought to be avoided at all costs. Third, if the word women includes men who claim to “identify as women,” the word lesbian ceases to have any coherent meaning, to the detriment of lesbians as a class. All over the world, lesbians (including members of the WDI USA Lesbian Caucus) are being compelled by governmental and social entities to include men in meetings, dating pools, and organizations if said men claim to be women, i.e., if they identify as women. In view of its work on these issues, WDI USA has a meaningful perspective to offer the Court.”
Boy Scouts of America v. Dale clearly stated that the Boy Scouts could exclude gay Scouts and scout masters under their First Amendment right to freedom of association.
First Amendment freedom of association not only enshrines your freedom to associate with whom you desire but also the freedom to disassociate yourself from those with whom you do not.
No male can EVER be a Lesbian. We are adult homosexual FEMALES. They can never be Mothers either and bring a fetus to term.
Lesbians do not have penises or XY chromosomes and men can never have babies.
Us Lesbians NEED our Female only spaces to connect and share our commonalities as well as to socialize away from males who so often are predatory towards us.
Very important job. We desperately need someone with this pulse in Portugal too.
As a member of another sorority I appreciate you taking on this case. Being in women only space is very important.