The mission of the WDI USA Desisted & Detransitioned Women’s Caucus is to advocate for women and girls who previously believed they had a so-called  “gender identity” by sharing our own stories and learning from the women who came before us.

Between 2009 and 2018, there was a 4000% increase in the number of children and young people claiming to be the opposite sex in the UK, with many of those individuals undergoing experimental cross-sex hormone therapy and body-altering surgeries. Those subjected to this medicalization may face permanent infertility, among other lifelong, irreversible health complications. Many of the older feminists we talk to express that had they been born in this era, they would very likely have been pushed to attempt to change their sex in response to their nonconformity with sex-based stereotypes. They want to help us because they see themselves in us. This cross-generational solidarity has had a profound impact on our development as radical feminists.

The ideology of “gender identity,” in addition to annihilating the sex-based rights of women and girls, alienates women and girls from one another by encouraging them to interpret their experiences through the lens of an ever-expanding list of made-up “identities” rather than through the lens of women as a sex class. The damage this has done to the women’s liberation movement is huge – but some of us are pushing back. 

Through writing, videos, and speaking engagements, we will share our stories and increase our understanding of them through a radical feminist lens. It is our hope that by amplifying the voices of those who deprogrammed from “gender identity,” we will contribute to the dismantling of this ideology. 

Elizabeth Chesak, coordinator
Céline Calame
Fernanda Lopez

The Desisted & Detransitioned Women’s Caucus is still seeking members! If you would like to join, please drop us a line at [email protected]. If you are not currently a WDI USA volunteer, you will need to go through the volunteer onboarding process. The volunteer application can be found here.

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2 thoughts on “Announcing the WDI USA Desisted & Detransitioned Women’s Caucus!”

  1. As coordinator of the WDI USA Lesbian Caucus, I enthusiastically welcome the D&D Caucus. Well done! I look forward to working with you!

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